Sunday, April 19, 2015

Cultural tourism

Cultural tourism

Main article: Culture of Indonesia

Bali is famous for its rich culture, Hindu festivals and dances
Indonesia consists of an entire 300 ethnic groups, spread over a 1.8 million km² area of 6,000 inhabited islands.[5] This creates a cultural diversity, further compounded by HinduBuddhistIslamic and European colonialist influences. In Bali, where most of Indonesian Hindus live, cultural and religious festivals with Balinese dance-drama performances in Balinese temples are major attractions to foreign tourists.
Despite foreign influences, a diverse array of indigenous traditional cultures is still evident in Indonesia. The indigenous ethnic group ofToraja in South Sulawesi, which still has strong animistic beliefs, offers a unique cultural tradition, especially during funeral rituals. TheMinangkabau ethnic group retain a unique matrilineal culture, despite being devoted Muslims. Other indigenous ethnic groups include theAsmat and Dani in Papua, the Dayak in Kalimantan and the Mentawai in Sumatra, where traditional rituals are still observed.
Cultural tourism also plays a significant part in Yogyakarta, a special province in Indonesia known as centre of classical Javanese fine art and culture.[47] The rise and fall of Buddhist, Hindu, and Islamic kingdoms in Central Java has transformed Yogyakarta into a melting pot of Indonesian culture.
Most major Indonesian cities have their state-owned museums, although most are in modest display. The most complete and comprehensive museum that displaying Indonesian culture and history spanned from prehistoric to colonial era is National Museum of Indonesia located in Jakarta.
For Indonesian and foreign visitors unable to visit all Indonesian provincesTaman Mini Indonesia Indah in East Jakarta provides a comprehensive microcosm of Indonesian culture. Established in 1975 by Tien Suharto, this park displaying museums, separate pavilions with the collections of Indonesian architecture, clothing, dances and traditions all depicted impeccably.

Ancient temples

Main article: Candi of Indonesia

Stupas on upper terraces ofBorobudur temple in Central Java

Ramayana Wayang wong Javanese dance performance at Prambanantemple
From the 4th century until the 15th century, Hinduism and Buddhism shaped the culture of Indonesia. Kingdoms rise and fall, such asMedang KingdomSrivijayaKediriSinghasari and Majapahit. Along the Indonesian classical history of Hindu-Buddhist era, they produced some temples and monuments called candi. The best-preserved Buddhist shrine, which was built during the Sailendra dynasty in the 8th century, is Borobudur temple in Central Java. A giant stone mandala stepped pyramid adorned with bell-shaped stupas, richly adorned with bas-reliefs telling the stories and teachings of Buddha.
A few kilometers to the southeast is the Prambanan complex, the largest Hindu temple in Indonesia built during the second Mataramdynasty.[34] The Prambanan temple is dedicated to TrimurtiShivaVishnu and Brahma, three highest gods in Hinduism. Both theBorobudur and the Prambanan temple compounds have been listed in the UNESCO World Heritage list since 1991. Both temple are the largest and the most popular, conveniently accessible from Yogyakarta, the heartland of Javanese culture. The Ramayana Javanese dance is performed routinely on the stage near Prambanan temple, provides the visitors the glimpse of Javanese classical culture.
In and around Yogyakarta, the ancient Javanese archaeology and temple enthusiast may still discover numerous ancient temples, accessible by car or motorcycle. Although not as grand and popular as Borobudur and Prambanan, these smaller temples provides glimpse of ancient culture and the intricate details of ancient Java temple architecture. Mendut and Pawon temples are located in Kedu Plain near Borobudur, while Ratu BokoSewu, Lumbung, PlaosanKalasan, and Sari are located in Prambanan Plain near Prambanan temple.
The temples of East Java dated from the era of Singhasari and Majapahit; mostly located in Trowulan archaeological site, and also scattered around Blitar and Malang. Although not as grand and popular as the temples of Central Java, the East Javanese temples is also interesting destination for candi and Indonesian ancient history enthusiast. East Javanese temples such as Wringin Lawang, Brahu, Bajang Ratu, and Candi Tikus in Trowulan archaeological site. Jawi temple near Pandaan, south of Surabaya, Penataran temple in Blitar, Kidal temple and Singhasari temple near Malang.
Most major Indonesian archaeological sites are equipped with museums; such as Samudra Raksa Museum and Karmawibhangga Museum in Borobudur, Prambanan museum in Prambanan temple compounds, and Trowulan Museum located in former Majapahit capital of Trowulan archaeological site. Some of archaeological discoveries are also displayed in municipal museums, such as Sonobudoyo Museum in Yogyakarta and Radyapustaka Museum in Surakarta, and of course the Indonesian National Museum in Jakarta.
Sumatra also home of several ancient Buddhist temples mosty linked to Srivijaya kingdom, such as Muaro Jambi in Jambi provinceMuara Takus in Riau and Biaro Bahal inNorth Sumatra. Sumatran temples however, are not as elaborated and as spectacular as its Javanese counterpart, and subsequently less popular. The location is rural, quite far from large cities, so renting car to visit these sites is advisable since public transportation to the location is scarce.

Islamic heritage

Islam has also contributed greatly to the cultural society in Indonesia. As of 2006, 88% of Indonesia's recorded population were Muslim.[48]Islamic culture is prominent in Sumatra, and a few of the remaining sultanate palaces can be seen in Medan and Tanjung Pinang.
The Islamic heritage tourism is also popular, especially among Indonesian Muslims and Muslims from neighboring countries such as Malaysia, Singapore and Brunei that shared common Southeast Asian Islamic heritage. The activity usually linked with Islamic ziyaratpilgrimage to historical Islamic sites, such as historical mosques and tombs of venerated Islamic figures. However for visitors in Islamic sites, either local or foreign, Muslim or non-Muslim, the rules of conduct and dress modesty is applied, such as removing the footwear while entering mosques or makam (tombs), visitor should not entering the site wearing shorts (sarong usually lent near the entrance to cover lower torso of the visitors), and wearing kerudung (head-dress covering) for women.
In Aceh the Baiturrahman Grand Mosque and tombs of Aceh Sultanate kings is popular destination, while in Medan the Medan Great Mosque and Maimun Palace is also major Islamic heritage destination. Most of Indonesian major cities have their own historical or monumental Masjid Agung (Grand Mosque) that become city's landmark as well as tourism attraction. Istiqlal Mosque, Jakarta, the Indonesian national mosque and the largest in Southeast Asia is Jakarta's major landmark as well as tourist attraction. In Java the ziyarat pilgrimage is usually linked to historically important Islamic figures of Wali Sanga (Nine Saints), they are important because of their historic role in the Spread of Islam in Indonesia. Their tombs and mosques scaterred along Java's north coast towns, such as DemakKudusCirebonGresik, to Ampel inSurabaya. The 15th-century Agung Demak Mosque hailed as the first mosque established in Java. Menara Kudus Mosque is notable for incorporating Majapahit Hindu-Javanese architecture. The tomb of Sunan Gunungjati near Cirebon, is also the important ziyarat site in West Java.

Colonial heritage

Former Batavia Stadhuis nowJakarta History Museum in Kota
The heritage tourism is focussed on specific interest on Indonesian history, such as colonial architectural heritage of Dutch East Indies era in Indonesia. The colonial heritage tourism mostly attracted visitors from the Netherlands that share historical ties with Indonesia, as well as Indonesian or foreign colonial history enthusiast.
The activities among others are visiting museums, churches, forts and historical colonial buildings, as well as spend some nights in colonial heritage hotels. The popular heritage tourism attractions is Kota – the center of old Jakarta, with its Maritime Museum, Kota Intan drawbridge, Gereja SionWayang MuseumStadhuis BataviaFine Art and Ceramic MuseumToko Merah, Bank Indonesia Museum, Bank Mandiri Museum, Jakarta Kota Station, and Glodok (Jakarta Chinatown). In the old ports of Sunda Kelapa in Jakarta and Paotere in Makassar the tall masted pinisi ship still sailed. The Jakarta Cathedral with neo-gothic architecture in Central Jakarta also attracted architecture enthusiast.
Bandung historical avenue around Asia Afrika and Braga Street displays rich collections of Indies and Art deco architecture from early 20th century. Several hotels such as Savoy Homann in Bandung and Hotel Majapahit in Surabaya are colonial heritage hotels suitable for those whom interested in Dutch East Indies colonial history. The VOC forts can be found in Yogyakarta, Makassar, Bengkulu and Ambon. The colonial buildings might also be found in old town parts of Indonesian cities, such as SemarangSurabayaMalang, Medan, and Sawahlunto. The heritage tourism might also focussed on the era of 17th- to 19th-century royal Javanese courts ofYogyakarta SultanateSurakarta Sunanate and Mangkunegaran.

Urban tourism

Bandung with its boutiques, distribution stores and factory outlets is well known by locals and foreign visitors as shopping heaven in Indonesia
Urban tourism activities includes shoppingsightseeing in big cities, or enjoying modern amusement parks, resorts, spas, nightlife and entertainment. To some extent urban tourism might also involving municipal culture and heritage tourism, such as visits to city museums or parts of colonial old town. Ancol Dreamland with Dunia Fantasi theme park and Atlantis Water Adventure is Jakarta's answer to Disneyland-style amusement park and water park. Several similar theme parks also developed in other cities, such as Trans Studio Makassar and Trans Studio Bandung. The nation's capital, Jakarta, offers many places for shopping. Mal Kelapa Gading, the biggest one with 130 square kilometres (50 sq mi), Plaza SenayanSenayan CityGrand IndonesiaEX, and Plaza Indonesia are some of theshopping malls in the city. Next to high-end shopping centers with branded products, Indonesia is also a popular destination for handicraft shopping in the region. Certain Indonesian traditional crafts such as batiksongketikat weaving, embroidery, wooden statue and fashion products are popular souvenirs for visitors. Indonesian textile and fashion products are known for its good value; good quality with relatively cheap and reasonable price. Bandung is a popular shopping destination for fashion products among Malaysians and Singaporeans.[49]
Another popular tourist activity is golfing, a favorite sport among the upper class Indonesians and foreigners. Some notable golf courses in Jakarta are the Cengkareng Golf Club, located in the airport complex, and Pondok Indah Golf and Country Club. Bali has many shopping centers, for instance, the Kuta shopping center and the Galeria Nusa DuaNightlife of Indonesia is also popular among foreigners, especially in the big cities like JakartaBandungSurabayaManadoDenpasar andMedan.[50]

Gastronomy tourism

Main article: Cuisine of Indonesia

Example of Balinese cuisine
Indonesia has rich and diverse culinary traditions, and might be considered as one of the richest and the best in the world; such asrendang that recently voted as the number one dish of CNN International 'World's 50 Most Delicious Foods' list.[51] Many regional cuisines exist, often based upon indigenous culture and foreign influences.[52] Indonesian cuisine varies greatly by region and has many different influences.[52][53][54] From succulent coconut-milk and curry rich Minangkabau cuisine to Oceanian seafood meal of Papuan and Ambonese cuisine. Embarked on a journey through Indonesian cuisine is as exciting as enjoying the diversity of Indonesian culture, as some kind of dishes might have myriad variations of different recipes across archipelago. Some popular Indonesian dishes such as nasi goreng,[55] sate,[56] and soto[57] are ubiquitous in the country and have numerous regional variations. These dishes are considered as Indonesian national dishes.
Eating establishments in Indonesia are available from the modest street-side cart vendors, to the luxury fine-dining restaurants. Most of malls and shopping centres in Indonesian major cities usually have an entire floor dedicated as a food courts, where one could samples rich variety of Indonesian cuisine, and some Indonesian cities have their own signature dishes. Such as Mie AcehPadang's rendangPalembang's pempekJakarta's soto betawi and gado-gadoBandung's siomay and batagorYogyakarta's gudegSolo's tongsengSemarang's lumpiaSurabaya's rawonMadura's satayBalinese nasi campur andbabi gulingMakassar's konroManado's tinutuan, to Chinese Indonesian mie goreng. Some exhibitions, fairs and events often also incorporated eating experiences. Such asJakarta Fair that offer local delicacies as well as food products from various corners of Indonesia, or Jakarta Fashion & Food Festival (JFFF) that feature food and fashion.

Sex tourism

International sex tourism and child sex tourism remains an issue, especially on the islands of Batam and Karimun and in major urban centers and tourist destinations across the country, including Bali and Riau Islands. Sex tourism is nothing new in Southeast Asia. Unlike neighboring Thailand with its visible red light districts, Indonesia do not market their sex tourism in that way, yet prostitution is there. In Indonesia prostitution is illegal and interpreted as a "crime against decency and morality" and against the law.[58] In practice prostitution is quite widespread, tolerated and somewhat regulated, mostly illegally or underground in discothequesmassage parlours, and karaoke rooms,[59] and also visible on certain streets. It is estimated 40,000 to 70,000 Indonesian children are being exploited in prostitution within the country.[60] Prostitution is conducted by both female and male, Bali for example is notorious for its 'Kuta Cowboys', local gigolos targeting foreign female tourists.[61]

source wikipedia

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